Battle Of The Book Cover #2

Hello everyone! Welcome to AlliesOpinions BATTLE OF THE BOOK COVER! 

How does it work? Well, I will put two different covers of the same book or different books and you must judge which book you would most likely pick up based ONLY on the cover!  Don’t forget to explain your choice.

The winner gets a free book spotlight! 

Put your vote in the comments!

Desert Flower Cover  A Howl for Mayflower Cover

Let the odds be ever in your favor!

P.s. You can click on the covers to get more information about the books!

28 thoughts on “Battle Of The Book Cover #2

  1. Quite honestly? I’d pick neither one of them up. The first one’s blinding yellow font is extremely off-putting and “Desert Flower” with the rest of the cover makes me think I’m going to end up reading some Middle Eastern Erotica or something. Nothing wrong with that, mind you. Just not my thing. . The second one…Bland tones surrounding a messy braid? It looks ‘lazy’ and that combination doesn’t give me ANY clues what the book is about.


  2. A Howl for Mayflower looks like the Kindle covers you get for free classics. Not enough to attract my interest. Desert Flower is boss, and the eyes draw you in, so Desert Flower it is.


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